
So I am writing this blog simply to write about anything and also because I want to eventually get a book published and  what better way to gain experience than from a blog! So now I suppose I should give you a introduction.

Hello, my name is Jeffrey, and well I had this crazy new idea that I wanted to start my own blog to publish short stories and maybe longer ones in the future. I am 18 years old and am a cancer survivor, I was diagnosed with  AML Leukemia, after going to the doctor for a tooth ache, not having this new doctor but, maybe six months , she declared something out of place, saying I looked pale and decided to pull a random blood test. It is amazing what can happen in such a short amount of time, I now am a long-term cancer survivor, thus there are no official “cures”  to cancer. One of my side hobbies is writing and I would like to get my work out there in the world,whether its fictional or I am writing about my cancer experiences. I hope my stories have a interesting I wanna read more effect on you, so sit back relax and scroll that webpage!

Secondly, as I previously stated I want to blog about anything that comes to mind, I want you as my readers to be the help I need to gain writers experience. Of course my grammar isn’t 100% correct, so you will have to excuse me, but it’s not fun unless you break the rules. However this is just for fun and a challenge that will help me, and help you by providing the best information or blogs I can.

My goals in life is to simply follow my Mom in the technological field only instead I want to become a programmer and develop websites. My Mom is very good with computers especially websites, she also has her own blog and may mention me and my Leukemia history, here is her link PootsNotes. She updates her blog daily, but I may not update mine as often as my blog is more on stories, and I may post a couple of stories at a time to keep up, don’t give up on me if I don’t post a lot.

My interests are computers, video games, programming, books, writing, zombies!

I am also a FireFox Volunteer and have began devleoping a site for BuckCancerFoundation!

Got a guest blog idea? Drop it in my inbox via my contact page!


Updated: November 2017